
Trump Condemns White Supremacy but Doesn’t Propose Gun Laws After Shootings - The New York Times

Trump Condemns White Supremacy but Doesn’t Propose Gun Laws After Shootings - The New York Times

WASHINGTON — President Trump forcefully condemned white supremacy in the wake of twin mass shootings over the weekend, citing the threat of “racist hate” and calling for national unity in devising a response.

“In one voice our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy,” Mr. Trump said.

But Mr. Trump stopped well short of endorsing the kind of broad gun control measures that activists and Democrats have sought for years, instead falling back on time-honored Republican remedies, calling for stronger action to address mental illness, violence in the media and in video games.

He warned of “the perils of the internet and social media” with no acknowledgment of his use of those platforms to promote his brand of divisive politics.

It remained unclear whether Mr. Trump’s 10-minute remarks after one of the most violent weekends in recent American history could place him in a position to unify the nation when many Americans believe he is personally responsible for inflaming racial division. He took no responsibility for the atmosphere of division, nor did he recognize his own reluctance to warn of the rise of white nationalism until now.

Speaking at a lectern beneath a portrait of George Washington in the White House Diplomatic Reception Room, Mr. Trump read from a prepared script on a teleprompter. He denounced the bilious anti-Hispanic online manifesto of a shooter in El Paso, Texas, who killed 20 people on Saturday as part of an “evil contagion” spreading online.

“These barbaric slaughters are an assault upon our communities, an attack upon our nation and a crime against all of humanity,” Mr. Trump said of the massacre in El Paso and another in Dayton, Ohio, on Sunday — at one point incorrectly referring to Toledo as the site of those killings.

Mr. Trump took no questions, and did not repeat his call on Twitter earlier in the morning for Republicans and Democrats to work together to strengthen background checks for prospective gun buyers, but his proposal to link new gun control measures with immigration restrictions is likely to leave Democrats sternly opposed.

Mr. Trump’s comments, made in early morning Twitter posts, come as the country mourns two deadly mass shootings over the weekend in Texas and Ohio that together killed 29 people.

In his somber remarks, Mr. Trump repeated his past endorsement of so-called “red flag” laws that would allow for the confiscation of firearms from people found to be mentally ill. He gave no indication of how he would pursue any of his goals.

It was not immediately clear what other gun control proposals Mr. Trump was referring to on Twitter. The House passed back-to-back bills on firearms soon after it Democrats took control, voting in February to require background checks for all gun purchasers, including those at gun shows and on the internet, and to extend waiting periods for would-be gun purchasers flagged by the existing instant-check system. They were the first significant gun control bills to clear the chamber in a quarter century.

Instead of focusing on measures to limit the sale of firearms, Mr. Trump ticked through a list of proposals that Republicans have long endorsed as alternatives. They include unspecified action to address “gruesome and grisly video games” and “a culture that celebrates violence.”

Mr. Trump also emphasized steps to better identify and respond to signs of mental illness that could lead to violence, repeating a familiar conservative formulation that de-emphasizes the significance of widely-available firearms as a factor in mass killings.

“Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun,” Mr. Trump said. Calling mass shooters “mentally ill monsters,” he also said he was directing the Department of Justice to propose legislation calling for the death penalty for “those who commit hate crimes and mass murders.”

Gun control groups reacted sharply to Mr. Trump’s address.

“Let’s be clear: This is not about mental health, it’s not about video games, it’s not about movies. Those are all N.R.A. talking points. This is about easy access to guns,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun control group.

The vote to close the so-called Charleston loophole, a gap in the background check system that allowed a man to buy the gun used to kill nine black members of a church in Charleston, South Carolina, was specifically tied to a white supremacist who obtained a gun despite a previous admission of drug possession.

But Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, has given no indication that the measures would be taken up in the Republican-controlled Senate. On Monday, Senator Chuck Schumer, the minority leader, urged Mr. Trump to demand that Mr. McConnell put the universal background check measure up for a vote in the Senate.

Neither House proposal was attached to immigration legislation, which has proved as intractable as gun control. The House has already approved immigration legislation that would offer a path to citizenship for more than 2 million undocumented immigrants — including the so-called “Dreamers,” who were brought to this country illegally as children.

The Senate Judiciary Committee approved very different immigration legislation last week to greatly tighten rules for asylum seekers along the lines Mr. Trump has requested.

In Texas, law enforcement officials arrested Patrick Crusius, a 21-year-old white man from Allen, Texas, which is about a 10-hour drive from the Walmart in El Paso where he opened fire on Saturday and killed 20 people.

In the manifesto, Mr. Crusius said he supported mass shootings in two New Zealand mosques this year that killed 51 people. In March, after the New Zealand shootings, Mr. Trump said he did not see white nationalism as a rising global threat.

Early Sunday in Dayton, Ohio, police killed the gunman within one minute of hearing shots fired into a popular night-life spot in the city. The gunman, Connor Betts, 24, was wearing a mask, body armor and hearing protection and was carrying a high-capacity magazine that can hold 100 rounds of ammunition. Nine people were killed, including Mr. Betts’s sister.

Congress has been gripped by inaction on gun violence for years, and with Democrats running the House and Republicans in charge of the Senate, that is unlikely to change soon.

Over the weekend, members of both parties retreated to their familiar stances. Republicans issued statements praising law enforcement and raising concerns about mental health issues, and Democrats called for the Senate to return to pass the House bills. Lawmakers in both parties have left Washington for their August recess and do not plan to return to the Capitol until September.

“This is a time that demands not words but actions,” Representative David Cicilline, Democrat of Rhode Island and a member of House Democratic leadership, said in a statement, in which he called not only for the Senate to return but the House as well, so that it could consider an assault weapons ban, which he introduced earlier this year.

Representative Steve Scalise, the No. 2 Republican in the House, is still recovering from gunshot wounds he sustained in 2017 when a gunman opened fire during practice for a congressional baseball game. Mr. Scalise said the weekend shootings should be called “domestic terrorism,” but he also blamed the media, saying that “a media culture that encourages viewing people solely through hyperpartisan lenses,” can “often lead to violent consequences.”

Senator Susan Collins of Maine, one of a handful of Republican centrists in the Senate, already faced a tough re-election race should she choose to run again. On Sunday, she issued a statement saying, “We have united in the wake of tragedies in the past, and we can do so again to stop this violence.” She is one of only two Republicans left in the Senate who voted for a background check bill almost identical to the one passed this year by the House, and said Sunday that she had long supported “closing loopholes” in such checks.

But passage of such legislation in the Senate would take enormous political pressure — and probably Mr. Trump’s pushing. The bill, written by Senators Joe Manchin III, Democrat of West Virginia, and Patrick J. Toomey, Republican of Pennsylvania, after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, fell to a filibuster in 2013. Since then nine of the Democrats who voted for the measure have been replaced by Republicans.

Some of the Democrats campaigning for the party’s nomination to run for president condemned Mr. Trump for not calling the El Paso attack a white supremacist act of domestic terrorism. Some Democrats blame the White House for what they suggested was a tolerance for white nationalist groups, something that was not common among Mr. Trump’s recent predecessors.

In another Twitter post on Monday, the president railed against the news media, blaming it for the contributing to “the anger and rage” in the United States.

Still, no federal agency is responsible for designating domestic terrorism organizations, as it has for international terrorism. Similarly, there is no criminal charge of domestic terrorism, and suspects who are by definition considered domestic terrorists are charged under other laws, such as hate crime, gun and conspiracy statutes.

According to F.B.I. statistics, there have been eight mass shootings in the United States since 2017, in which the shooters espoused white supremacist views.

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2019-08-05 14:33:56Z

Bagikan Berita Ini

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